Hey, I am Samaksh Dhingra, currently studying in IIIT-Bangalore as an Undergraduate Computer Science Student.
I am a keen learner, tech enthusiast and like to stay updated with latest technology. Computers fascinated me a lot since childhood, hence I was
always curious to know about this field. I like to to take up challenges and solve various daily life problems with the help of
technology. Apart from this, I also love Music, playing Chess, playing Table Tennis as hobby.
Currently, I am exploring various things and striving to improve my skills. I am grateful
to various communities for guiding many learners like me. I also would try my best to do some community work and am looking forward
give back to society so that I can also contribute, at least a little, in making the world better.
WebNotes is a website that helps you to take notes and keep record of them.
User gets two options- either he can create his personal profile or he can use it as a guest user.
In Personal Mode, user can take notes, save them in his profile, delete them from their profile, download them as pdf.
In Guest Mode, user can take notes, and can download them as pdf just after taking it.
Multiplayer Quiz is a terminal based quiz game that allows multiple users connect and play together.
Players have 10 seconds to press buzzer. First player to press buzzer gets 10 second to answer the question.
It is CLI based Application and uses the concept of socket programming in python to connect different users together.
Hostel Management System is built in C, basically to keep record of all operations and queries related to a hostel.
It uses the concept of file input output in C to add, store and edit the data. It has following features:-